Corporate Fitness Classes

Corporate Fitness Classes

Corporate Fitness Classes Trainer Scott is now conducting fitness classes and personal training in offices and workplaces.  Have your employees feeling more healthy and energetic, increasing morale and productive. Price: $150/hr Check out his Corporate Fitness Wellness Program for more information here Balance in the workplace More energetic employees Build teamwork I have been training

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Downtown Denver Fitness Classes

Downtown Denver Fitness Classes

Downtown Denver Fitness Classes Scott’s Denver Boot Camp working their core while punching with weights. It’s a serious ab workout while toning and strengthening upper body and getting cardio too. Scott is a wonderful motivator and I love his workouts!! Eating healthy and attending his boot camp a few times per week

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Female Fitness Denver

Female Fitness Denver

Female Fitness Denver Are you a woman looking to get in shape in Denver, Colorado?  Trainer Scott has trained thousands of women and helped them achieve their fitness goals. Don’t give up on the pullup Pullups, which strengthen the lats, biceps, middle back, and shoulders, are an effective upper-body exercise. Can’t squeeze one out? Hood suggests

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